If FrameReady is not printing to the correct printer or not printing at all, you will need to: check that the printer is installed correctly. check that the printer is set as the default printer. Before using the following instructions, check to see if you can print from other programs.  If you cannot, make sure all ..

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There are two ways to enter fabric hand-wrapped matboard onto a work order but it depends on how you have priced the substrate. If you always use the same substrate, then look at option B. However, if the substrate varies with different frame jobs, then you need to price the substrate based on the the ..

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This report provides a list which can be sent to the vendor as PDF to order your supplies or used in-house.  This is the simplest way to create your vendor shopping list. HOW TO PRINT: Main Menu > Create Frame Order. Select range of dates in either Work Order Date or Due Date or leave ..

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