Perform Find By Date

There are several ways of performing a find using a date field. You can find all records for a single day, or all records in a given period, or all records up to a certain date, or all records after a certain date.

On a Single Date

To find all records on a single day, do the following:

  1. Click on the Find button.
  2. Click in the date field (e.g. invoice date, work order date, work order due date, etc.) and type the date, MM/DD/YYYY .
    Note: Try to avoid using only two digits for the year when doing a find.
  3. Click the Perform Find button.
In a Given Period

To find all records in a given period, do the following:

  1. Click on the Find button.
  2. Click in the date field (e.g. work order date, work order due date, etc.) and type a date range.
    Note: a date range is created by placing three periods between the first and last date in the range (e.g. 1/1/2015…3/1/2015 would find all records for the first quarter of 2015).
  3. Click the Perform Find button.
Up To A Specified Date

To find all records up to a certain date, do the following:

  1. Click Find.
  2. Click in the date field (e.g. work order date, work order due date, etc.) and type three periods and then the date …MM/DD/YYYY
  3. Click Perform Find.
    This will find all records prior to and including this date.
After A Specified Date

To find all records after a certain date, do the following:

  1. Click Find.
  2. Click in the date field (e.g. work order date, work order due date, etc.) and type the date and then three periods MM/DD/YYYY…
  3. Click Perform Find.
    This will find all records after and including this date.