Link your FrameReady Contacts and Invoices to your Xero Contacts and Invoices.
Xero Integration Overview
FrameReady is integrated with Xero and offers you the option to import and synchronize your Xero Contacts and Invoices.
Xero is cloud-based accounting software that connects small business owners with their numbers, their bank, and advisors anytime. Founded in 2006, Xero now has 3.5 million subscribers and is a leader in cloud accounting across New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom.
Bring your contacts from Xero and link them to your FrameReady Contacts.
Ability to sync Contacts both ways (from FrameReady to Xero and from Xero to FrameReady).
Ability to sync just the Contacts that haven't been synched yet.
View a FrameReady contact in Xero.
Ability to sync Invoices both ways (from FrameReady to Xero and from Xero to FrameReady).
Sync just the Invoices that haven't been synched yet.
View a FrameReady invoice in Xero.
Xero multiorganization / multisite support.
Compatible with Windows or Mac.
Requires an internet connection.
Requires a valid subscription to Xero.
Requires FrameReady 14 and FileMaker Pro 19.6 or greater.
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