Xero Contacts
Use these steps to work with your Xero Contacts in FrameReady.
How to Work with Xero Contacts
The first step is to import all of your Xero contacts into the integration.
The second step is to link all of the imported contacts to individual contacts in FrameReady.
Please note: you are responsible for reviewing each imported Xero Contact and linking it to one of your FrameReady Contacts.
How to Import All of your Xero Contacts
Open the Xero Integration.
Main Menu > Setup Data > Fiscal tab > Xero Integrations Settings button. -
Click the Xero Contacts button (left sidebar).
To import all contacts from your Xero account, click the Import All Contacts button (top right).
Your Xero contacts are imported into the integration.
A blue chainlink icon indicates that the Xero contact is NOT linked to a FrameReady contact.
A green chainlink icon indicates that, yes, the Xero contact is linked to a FrameReady contact.
Click the blue chainlink icon; a new window opens.
When done, close the window with the red X (top right).
The above Xero contact has not yet been linked to a FrameReady contact. You can accomplish this several ways.
First, the Xero Integration attempts to find a match and, if any are found, lists them here; simply click the result you want to match.
If no matches are found, then you will see "no matches" instead.
If you know the Contact ID# in FrameReady, then you can enter it into the Manually By Contact Number field; as soon as you click out of the field, FrameReady looks up the number and displays the Contact business name. -
To link this Xero contact to a new FrameReady contact, click the Link to New Contact button.
A new record is created in your FrameReady Contacts file; the new ID# is also displayed.
The blue chainlink icon turns green. You can click the blue arrow to go to the new record or close the window. -
Your goal is to link all the blue chainlink Xero contacts with a FrameReady contact (which changes to a green chalink icon).
How to Import Xero Contacts that were Modified After a Date
Instead of importing all Xero contacts, you can specify and a date and time and import only those contacts that have been modified since.
Open the Xero Integration.
Click the Xero Contacts button (left sidebar).
To import contacts from your Xero account that were modified after a known date and time, click the calendar icon and choose a date.
You must also enter a time in the next field, e.g. 1 for 1:00pm.
Click the Import Modified Contacts button (top right).
Any Xero contacts that were modified (in Xero) after your specified date and time are imported and updated.
Last modified 5/8/2023.
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