QuickBooks Integration

Show Tax Exempt QuickBooks Item on an Invoice

Creating Tax Exempt Items for an Invoice

  • QuickBooks ensures that the tax rate applied to line items on an invoice match the defaults it has established. The way to ensure that line items are tax exempt when necessary is to ensure that they are created as such in QuickBooks beforehand.  

  • When creating an item in QuickBooks, you can determine the taxable status. You can label them as Taxable or Non-Taxable.

  • Is Taxable is defined by a 1 for Yes and a 0 for No. When you select the field you can change it from FrameReady if necessary.

What does FrameReady recommend you do to be prepared ahead of time?

When creating your items in QuickBooks, you should always create matching products that are specifically created as non-Taxable. For example:

Custom Framing

NONTX-Custom Framing



Retail Products

NONTX-Retail Products

In our sample list there would be 6 total products created. You would commonly use the taxable QuickBooks Categories on FrameReady Invoice Line Items, but in the case of a Tax Exempt client, you can use the Non Taxable versions of the Categories.  

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