Delete a Vendor

When you no longer purchase stock from a vendor or the vendor no longer exists, you may remove them from FrameReady.

How to Remove a Vendor

If you track inventory or samples, then skip his section and follow the steps in the next section.

Important! Removing a Vendor permanently deletes it and all it's Price Code items from your database.

  1. From the Main Menu, in the Price Codes section, click the Update Vendor Pricing button.

  2. The Vendor Update window appears.

    In the My Vendors tab, scroll to locate the vendor you wish to remove. Click the green Remove button (right column)

  3. The Remove Vendor confirmation dialog appears.

  4. Click Yes.

  5. Click Done.

    The vendor is permanently removed from your database.

How to Remove a Vendor and Keep your Inventory

If you have old stock from the vendor, then you likely want to sell it. You can omit these items from your search if you have them identified, e.g. Qty in Inventory, Sample box, Location identified, etc.

First login as level4 and click Perform > Restore Full Menus.

  1. On the Main Menu, click the Find Price Code Item button or open the Price Codes file and click Find.

  2. In the Supplier field, select the vendor name from the drop-down list.

  3. It is also a good idea to also select the Group, e.g. Matboard, or mark the All Moulding checkbox as well (so that you do not delete supplies from that Supplier).

  4. In the file menubar, click Requests and select Add New Request.

    The screen blinks and, in the top left corner, shows that this is request 2.

  5. Click the Omit button in the top portion of the screen.

  6. Now select the items to be omitted, e.g. in the Qty field, enter  >0  (greater than zero) to omit your stock from the search.

  7. Click the Perform Find button.

  8. A list appears with the moulding records from that company. If you used the Omit feature, then the list excludes items with a quantity greater than zero.

  9. Verify that the list displays the records you wish to delete!

  10. In the menu bar, click Records and choose Delete Found Records 

    The deletion of records is permanent. However, if this is a current supplier you can always import them back in using the Vendor Pricing Update screen.

  11. A FileMaker Pro dialog appears.

  12. Click Delete All or Cancel.

Tip: The Supplier's name remains in FrameReady so long as one record still has their name on it. If you find misspelled names, e.g. "Donmar" instead of "Don Mar", remove those names by finding the record with the error and then changing the supplier name on that record to the correct one.

Removing Leftover Vendor Records

If Suppliers you have removed continue to be listed in the My Vendors tab (on the Vendor Pricing Update screen) then:

First login as level4 and click Perform > Restore Full Menus.

  1. Take note of the supplier's Vendor ID # in the far right column, e.g. 208.

  2. Click Done to close the Vendor Update window.

  3. Open your Price Codes file and click the Find button.

  4. Enter that number into the Vendor ID Number field (at the bottom of the Enter Search Criteria screen).

  5. Click Perform Find.

  6. Then delete the records using Records > Delete Found Records.

    If you have old inventory for this supplier, see the section above to keep those records in your database.


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