Moulding Inventory

Entering Inventory of Moulding for use with Auto-Inventory

Access: Main Menu > Find Price Code Item.

1. Enter the moulding number and click the Perform Find button.
FrameReady will find all possible matches of the number you entered.

2. In the bright yellow Quantity field, enter the total amount of moulding in your inventory. (Eg. 8.75 for 8 and three-quarter feet.)

3. In the Location field (above the Qty field), enter the Bin letter. (Eg. Bin A, Bin B, etc.) or type “Stock”.

4. Mark the “Moulding Sample” box in the top right corner.

5. To locate another moulding, click on the Find button at the top of the screen or, if you are done, return to the Main Menu.