Calculated Set Price based on Supplier

Here is a way to save time and shorten your list of pricing formulas by covering several charge options per Supplier, without creating a new default pricing formula for each one.

  • shorten the number of default formulas in your Pricing Options & Defaults list.
  • spend less time making repetitious changes for suppliers with identical markup formulas but different shipping charges.
  • save time by applying one formula, instead of applying the generic formula first and then the supplier specific formulas after.

Framers who have the same markup for suppliers, but different shipping costs or labor charges, can take advantage of this combined formula.

In FrameReady, the default Set Price for moulding is:
Group = “Fillet”; 7.5;

This formula means that:
any moulding record which has the Group listed as Fillet, will have a set price of $7.50. If the Group is Wood, Liner, etc. (anything other than Fillet), the Set Price will be $5.00.

Here is how you can add the Supplier shipping charges to that formula: Calculated Set Price

Keep the formula shown above and add shipping charges based on the name of the supplier (as they are displayed in FrameReady).

This formula will evaluate the group first.
If it is a fillet, it adds $7.50.
If it is anything other than a fillet, it adds $5.

Then it evaluates the Supplier field.
If the supplier is Bella, add another $5.
If the supplier is Decor, add another $2, etc.

This means that a fillet from Bella will have a Set Price of $7.50 + $5 = $12.50.
A wood from Roma would have a Set Price of $5 + $15 = $20.00.
NOTE: These numbers are not representative of any company nor are they suggested. You need to determine what your own shipping costs are and use those numbers.
Calculated Set Price 2
In this example, a fillet ($7.50), from Roma Moulding ($15.00), has a calculated Set Price of $22.50.
NOTE: At the bottom of each ‘Case’ is the default number for all other records. This number could also be 0 (zero) if you do not wish to apply a handling charge.

Calculated Set Price 3
Invest in your business

If you add one dollar to the sale of every frame, you will have enough money at the end of the year to: buy new equipment, upgrade your computer or software, take training, go to a trade show, buy a new store sign, etc.