Set up Fabric Pricing

How to Set Up Pricing for Fabrics

  1. Go to Price Codes file > Fabric sidebar button.

    Locate a sample fabric record with which to experiment. Use the Find button to find a fabric number with which you are familiar.

  2. Open the Fabric Pricing tab.

    Locate the grey tabs under the Fabric Pricing tab.

  3. Open the Markup tab (if not already showing) and modify or enter your new Markup.

  4. Open the Set Price tab and modify or enter your new Set Price (optional).

  5. Open the Min Price tab and modify or enter your new Minimum Price (optional).

  6. Open the Code tab and choose a Code Table (optional)

  7. Choose a Price Per Unit of Measure.

    By default fabric is priced by Linear Yard. It is not recommended that you change this. But if you wish to price by another structure, choose the appropriate radio button, e.g. United Inch Area, Square Inch, etc…

    (If necessary click Reset button to update the Price Sampler, the three columns with blue numbers to the right.)

  8. If you wish to see more details about the pricing, then click the Show More Details button.

    The Price Codes details screen appears:

    • Click on the column headings Sq YY, Ln YD, etc. to experiment with your pricing.

    • SqIN: Square Inch calculates the price based on the square inch: height in inches multiplied by width in inches, e.g. 8×10 = 80 square inches.

    • SqFT: Square Foot calculates the price based on the square foot: height multiplied by width divided by 144 (rounded up to the nearest 1/2 square foot), e.g. 16×20 = 2.5 square feet. Often used to price mirrors.

    • SqYD: Square Yard calculates the price based on the square yard: height multiplied by width divided by 1296 (rounded up to the nearest 1/4 square yards), e.g. 24×36 = .75 square yard.

    • Click Done to close.

  9. Tick the Combine Formula and Code Pricing checkbox if you wish to price the fabric by one means and the substrate upon which it will be mounted by another.

    • An x in the checkbox indicates that the selected Code, e.g. AE, will be added to the selected pricing formula (linear yard): this combines the fabric and board into one price.

How to Add the Formula to your Custom Formulas

  1. If you wish to add this formula to your custom formulas, then hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click the Pricing Options and Defaults button.

    See also: Pricing Options and Defaults screen for Fabric

Note: If you hold down the Shift key when clicking Pricing Options and Defaults, then you will see your new formula loaded in as a default for that particular Supplier and Group. At this point you may wish to de-select it as a default record or modify the group and supplier parameters, etc.

  1. Select the formula you wish to apply or click Done.

  2. Now to apply the new formula, click Apply This Formula to All Fabric Records.

  3. Click Apply.

    FrameReady finds all records matching the selected criteria and replaces the markup, set price and code table fields.


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