Price Codes Overview
Where all your Framing Components are Stored
The Price Codes file is where all your framing components (moulding, matboard, glazing, etc.) are stored.
Use the Price Codes file to price your own way
Don't be held back by pricing decisions which may work for some demographics but not for others.
FrameReady Webinar: Cleaning your Price Codes File
YouTube link:
FrameReady Webinar: Analyzing your Pricing
YouTube link:
FrameReady Webinar: How to Price on the Fly
YouTube link:
User Guides
Vendor Pricing Updates
Updating vendor pricing
Adding a new vendor
Track vendor discounts
Set up Your Pricing
Moulding, Matboard
Change Your Pricing
Reports & Business Tools
Price Comparison
Overhead and Markups
How Pricing Works
Get Started
Setup |
Screens |
How-to |
Moulding |
Matboard |
Fabric |
Mat Design |
Mounting |
Hardware |
Setting up the Price Codes
Advanced Pricing
Formula Operators -- useful when working with pricing Formulas
Pricing Options and Defaults -- are available for all Groups
It must be emphasized that the pre-installed Markups, Formulas and Code Tables are included as a beginning point to help you get started.
In no way does Adatasol Inc. suggest that these should be your formulas or that they represent an accepted industry standard. There are a number of books and courses that specifically focus on pricing techniques. If you are unsure of what you should charge, then we recommend that you take advantage of the many educational opportunities that are available. That being said, the pre-installed formulas and code tables have been well thought through and you may use them with confidence. FrameReady users new to the industry can count on the program giving them a good starting point.
© 2023 Adatasol, Inc.