Payment Reports
All of the payments you receive are sorted and compiled onto this Payment Report.
The amount should balance with your cash drawer. You can make your bank deposits at any time; FrameReady time stamps when your last deposit was made and calculates all subsequent entries.
During high volume sales, you can make more than one deposit per day.
Payments are sorted by tender, for example cash, check, etc. and totaled.
How to Print a Payment Report
On the Main Menu, in the Invoices section, click the Payment Report button.
The Payment Report dialog appears.
Select a date or date range using MM/DD/YYYY or use the calendar icon.
Click the Proceed button.
A print preview of the document appears.
Click Continue to print.
Three documents print: the Payment Report, Receipts Sorted by Date, Receipts Sorted by Category.
Note: You can also print a report by a range of dates. This report is different from the End of Day Payment report in that it tracks the date & time when the report was created. This creates a way of reconciling your receivables with your bank deposit at any time of day.
The Three Payment Reports
1) Receipts/Refunds Sorted by Tender

2) Receipts Sorted by Date

Receipts Sorted by Date report may be used for Cash Basis Accounting. It breaks down the receipts for the given period and calculates the portion of tax required. It also calculates a total for taxable and non-taxable sales and does it for each of the possible two tax fields.
The Total Receipts column is the amount of money you received from all invoices on the specified day.
The Non Taxable column is the portion of the payment that was non taxable.
This could be from clients who are tax exempt or from products that are non taxable.
If there are multiple items on the invoice but only one item is non taxable, then the non taxable amount of the payment is the same percentage as the non taxable item to the pre tax total on the invoice.
For example, Total on invoice is $100 and non taxable item is $20 which is 5% of total. Therefore, 5% of a payment of $50 is $2.50 in the non taxable column.
Taxable column is the amount of money paid minus the taxable amount.
The three columns on the right are only used if you have two tax rates, for example, City Tax and State Tax. The total of the non taxable, taxable and both taxes will equal the Total Receipts.
3) Sale of Items based on Receipts Sorted by Category

Includes columns for: Invoice number, Invoice Date, Category, Line Item Total, Tax1, Tax2
Important : Due to issues of rounding, the columns in this report may not add up to the printed sub-totals, nor will the final totals necessarily add up to the total receipts for the given period.
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