Opening the FileMaker Server Admin Console

How to Open the FileMaker Admin Console

  1. On the FileMaker Server computer, open a web browser.

  2. Enter  http://[host]:16001/admin-console  into the address bar.

    Where [host] is the IP address or domain name of the master machine in your FileMaker Server deployment. Port 16001 is only available on the local host machine and not from a remote machine.

  3. The Admin Console Sign In screen appears.

    Appearance may vary depending on version.

  4. In the Admin Console Login page, enter the user name and password for the Admin Console account.

    Do not divulge or lose these credentials!

  5. Click the Sign In button.

  • After you have successfully started the Admin Console from your browser, save the address as a favorite to easily open Admin Console.

  • If you need to restart the operating system, stop FileMaker Server first, then restart it after the operating system was restarted.


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