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Reports and Documents

All Materials Cut List for Work Orders

Increase production and save time by listing all items to be pulled and cut in preparation for assembly.

How to Print a Cut List for Work Orders

Caution: the All Materials Cut List report uses your found set. If your found set is "all records," then FrameReady includes all Work Orders; this may take time.

Perform a Find using the Work Order number if you wish to report on a single Work Order.

  1. Perform a Find for the Work Orders you wish include in the report.

    Use Due Date or Incomplete list view as criteria for inclusion.

  2. Click the Print Documents sidebar button.

  3. Choose All Materials Cut List.

  4. Click Continue.

    FrameReady generates the report; depending on the size of the found set this may take time.

    Save as PDF or click Continue to print.